Thursday, January 29, 2009

Justin is working to night, so that means just Helen and I are home. I hate being home alone. Hate it, Hate it, Hate it!!!!!!!!! I get so jumppy it's not funny. Anyway...Tonight is the night that Helen will sleep all night in her crib. Lately we have been bringing her into bed with us when she wakes up in the middle of the night. But no more. I have had it!!!!! It's going to be a long night,but she will sleep in her own bed. Shen has gone to bed three nights in a row without crying witch is great. I'm hoping that she'll keep that up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Soup's on

Our church started a food bank/soup kitchen, and the first night was last night. Justin had to work, so Helen and I went and helped out. It was really neat. The people could come in and get their food and also come and get soup, bread, vegies, and cookies if they wanted too. At first it was hard on me not to judge and look down on these people, but then it hit me. They are just peolpe that are trying to make it in life and they need to be shown God love just like everybody else. After I relzied that I was able to talk to them and really care about what they were saying. There were a few moms there with their babies, so that was neat, and helpful for common ground to chat about. All in all it was a really neat night.